Mike's Cycling Pages

Just keep on riding

Welcome to my cycling pages. I have the attention span of about 60 days a year for any sport so I tend to jump from one to another without perfecting any. I tend to ride my trainer during the winter and spend more time running outside. As it warms up I spend more time on the road. As the heat of summer comes on, I would rather spend time on the mountain bike. As fall rolls around I jump into cyclocross. Cross is the only one I spend much time racing although as the sport picks up in popularity, I tend to fall farther and farther back in the pack.

The links to the left will take you to my current rides.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License

About the Author: Mike Teets is an IT Innovation Consultant, Father of 3, outdoor sports enthusiast and builder/restorer of things
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